Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Mom is Born

Pregnancies are so special. Not just because a child is born, but because a mom is also born. We are who we are, yet we are changed. Our hearts and minds start changing, we start thinking about things we might not have given much thought to before. We worry about the health of our babies and whether or not we’ll make the right choices. Where will they go to school, what will they be like, will we be able to teach them all they’ll need to know?
It’s an exciting time. It’s a frightening time.
That’s why we're so excited to be a part of the Mom Is Born project this year. It’s the only the second virtual baby shower hosted by My Mommy Manual. Its purpose is to celebrate a woman’s journey into motherhood AND this year the whole thing will be benefiting the March of Dimes!
So, you want to hear more? I knew you did!
This year’s mommy being born is Virginia Kerr. While this event is really more about raising awareness for prenatal health, premature babies, and each of YOU new mommies being born- I would highly recommend taking a few moments to get to know this new mommy. She’s been sharing her journey and you might just find that you have some things in common. Plus, it will really help when you join the conversation, Wednesday August 25 11am-1pm CST. You are going to be joining, right? RIGHT?
Because, as if you needed any more incentive, they’re giving things away too!! Things you can win! Yes- YOU!! So, first things first. You can join the chat on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 by accessing it below if you are already hanging out around here. Or you can access it at My Mommy Manual as well.
Live TV : Ustream

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kids and Healthy Eating

4 Tips To Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy

from Terry Walters, author of CLEAN FOODS

1. Make meals fun.

Wraps, burritos, tacos and summer rolls are all great ways to make eating vegetables fun. Served with their favorite toppings and dressings, you’ll be surprised at all the healthy foods your kids will gladly devour.

2. Eat the colors of the rainbow.

Create a contest to see who can eat the most colorful diet (Fruit Loops don’t count!), including leafy greens that don’t come in a can. It’s a fun way to learn about nutritional foods.

3. Get the little ones involved.

Encourage them to help with meal planning, shopping and cooking. Whether you’re at the farmers market or the grocery store, let your children pick the vegetables they’re willing to try. That way they’re more invested in the process and more likely to eat the meal.

4. Grow your own vegetables.

Every little kid loves to play in the dirt, so let them get their hands dirty in your family garden or your window pots. There’s no better way to learn first hand about clean food that’s minimally processed and has maximum nutrition. Plus, they’ll be eager to taste the fruits of their labor.
Overall, children learn the most about healthy eating from what we do rather than what we say. Stocking healthy food in your refrigerator and pantry is a start. But most importantly, involve them in the process and they’ll be excited to make healthy choices.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Virginia Kerr's Virtual Baby Shower

Please join us to celebrate this special event. All proceeds go to the March of Dimes!